Corona virus procedures and precautions!:


PART I: VIDEO APPOINTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE. Our law office and accounting firm has videoconferencing methods of conducting appointments with clients, if clients are able to handle the technology on their end. Or the law firm can assist the client to obtain support for the needed technology. Please let us know if you as the client desire any of the appointments to be handled by video. Even if appointments are not conducted by video technology, there are other opportunities to lower the number/amount of contacts to reduce exposure. This can include pick up/drop off at the office or home, or use of mailing to client when in the past items weren’t sent by mail. /There are other delivery options as well.


PART II: BEING AVAILABLE TO MEET WITH CLIENTS DESPITE THE CRISIS. Clients can choose to conduct office conferences through remote means, such as Skype and Google Hangouts. We will continue to schedule in person appointments for clients that don’t want to use remote conferencing technologies, but see II above for the precautions that we are taking.

PART III: PROFESSIONAL STAFF ACTIVITIES. The Corona virus is so fast spreading and with persons who don’t have symptoms, it is believed that almost all persons in the United States will be exposed to the virus in a fairly short time interval. The mortality rate, while very real, is a low percentage (1% to 3%, but so far varying wildly with ½% in some countries and 10%+ in other countries), and concentrated in persons over age 70. Therefore, we do not see any point in stopping or slowing our work to represent clients (the virus so far seems to spread despite any attempts to contain it, containment attempts appear to be only slowing it down). Actually, the biggest risk is going to be from the bother and problems of the coming panic. While the virus is a real risk, every day any one of us could be hit by lightening, an earthquake, bit by a coral snake, or caught up in a terrorist attack. Therefore, the law firm and accounting firm activities are not going to be restricted.

On the other hand, we often are able to work from home, and ALL opportunities to reduce our contacts (social distancing) will be used (for the benefit of our clients). We will be available to help, should you have work for us to do. We will be supportive of government enforced quarantine measures; not because we think that they will stop the spread of Corona, but because such measures could slow it down and delay the spread, thus giving medical systems more time to react. Additionally, we will be sympathetic and cooperative with any clients’ efforts to reduce expose to other people, in order to reduce the risk. Should you as the client desire any such measures, simply call us and ask how items can be handled by mail (understand that mail slows things down and could lead to the need to get extensions of time).